Adding Diamonds to an existing wedding band?

September 15, 2016 / Wedding Rings

We all know that organising your wedding rings is an essential part of your wedding preparations, however, many of us get caught up in all the other aspects of an impending wedding. As a result, the rings are then left until the very last minute. This often results in two things, either the wedding budget won’t accommodate your perfect and unique wedding rings, or what you want can’t be made in time.

This surprisingly common predicament does not have to result in you ultimately not getting what you want or settling for something due to time restraints.

To have diamonds or to not have diamonds is a big question for many when it comes to choosing their wedding rings. Many women dream of a beautiful diamond wedding ring but thanks to never ending wedding shopping list, they may not have budgeted enough for their wedding rings. This does not mean they cannot have that sparkling diamond wedding ring, it might just mean that ALL the diamonds will have come a little later down the track. Yes, that is right, you can purchase a wedding ring, use it on your wedding day, and then have it changed or altered later once you have saved up a little more. You can select a quite affordable plain gold wedding ring prior to the big day then after a while when the bank account allows or if you decide it is time for a touch of bling, it is possible to add diamonds to your ring.

At Larsen Jewellery we have worked with couples who find themselves in this position and decide to add diamonds as a first anniversary gift to celebrate this significant point in their life.

If you are thinking you may wish to add diamonds in the future, it is important to mention it to your jeweller when you are designing your rings. Most designs will allow you to add diamonds but it may be trickier with very fine rings or intricate and complex designs.

For those of you that are partial to a diamond wedding ring, here are a few of our favourites…

novo-1 (1)


Womens Diamond and Sapphire Eternity Ring in White Gold | Santorini




Womens Platinum Wedding Ring|Deco Infinity

‘Deco Infinity’


‘Dew Drop’

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