Dearest Rings

Have you ever heard of a ‘Dearest Ring’? The history of this style of ring goes all the way back to the
Victorian Era. Not your typical style of engagement ring, the Dearest Ring is a colourful, vibrant ring with six different
coloured gemstones and a diamond.
You are probably wondering where the name ‘Dearest’ came from. Some may think that the answer to this is a beautiful, romantic sentiment; others may simply think that this is romance gone too far. The name ‘Dearest’ is in actual fact an acronym for each gemstone. I think that the majority of you will agree that this is pretty sweet. The gemstones used, in order, are:
Amethyst or Alexandrite
Topaz or Tanzanite
There are no set rules as to what design the gemstones should be set, as long as the diamond and coloured gemstones are in the correct order to spell out ‘Dearest’. You may choose to have your gemstones set in a circular pattern or in a straight line or perhaps set into a beautiful engraved pattern. So if you are after a ring that has lots of colour, is a little unusual and has a lovely romantic sentiment, then this is possibly the perfect ring for you!
This category of jewellery is widely known as acrostic jewellery, it is not limited to rings alone but also pendants and bracelets.
The DEAREST combination is certainly not the only word commonly seen in acrostic jewellery. Other terms of affection spelt out by gemstones include the French REGARD, SOUVENIR and ADORE.
Use this chart below to help you spell out a word that is special to you and your love.
I was wanting a ring in a simple setting with stones set with the Acronym of my husband’s name ROGER or my surname SMITH.
What would be the price range of one of your Dearest rings?
If you could please let me know.
Kind regards,
Lisa Smith
Hi Lisa,
What a lovely idea! One of our jewellers will reach out to you shortly via email with more information.