What are Stabilizer Balls?

December 2, 2012 / Wedding Rings


Round cut engagement ring

Stabilizer balls are small balls of metal that are soldered on to the inside of a ring. These metal balls are used mainly in two instances. The most common is in the case when a person’s knuckles are quite a bit bigger than where their ring will actually sit on the finger. This creates the perfect solution; the ring can be made big enough to get it over the knuckle, but by adding the stabilizers the ring will sit comfortably without spinning around the finger too much. Less common, is when someone is planning on losing quite a bit of weight. In the process of losing weight it is not ideal to be resizing your ring over and over again. The more you resize the ring the weaker the join becomes. This is a great temporary solution until you have got to your ideal weight.

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  1. SOL LEE says:

    Hi. How much does it cost to put sizing beads in the ring?

    • Kate Reid says:


      Thank you for your question! The price depends on the metal type and how large the beads need to be. If your ring was made by us, please give us a call to book in an appointment. We will be able to give you an accurate quote once we have seen how the ring fits on your finger.

  2. Marisa says:


    Do you accept rings sent via FedEx to place stabilizer beads?

    If so, once completed, do you arrange for dispatch via FedEx as well?

    • Kate Reid says:

      Hi Marisa, could you please let us know if the ring was made by us? This is only an option that we offer on rings we have made or are in the process of making.

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